From Week 2 to Week 4, Year 5A has been doing the library skills activities in the library. The aim of these activities is to equip them with the ability of locating information on books in the library and at the same time, these activities motivate the pupils to read more books. Not only they read the books, they also discussed on the parts of a book that they have learned from me. They were quite excited when it was time for the library with me. They looked so cheerful and motivated to go to the library. Here are some picutres gathered from Week 2-Week 4. They were wearing their PE attires as they had PE lesson before going to the library every Thursday.
Poster of Part of a Book
Week 3 - Got their books...and now ready to do read and then look for the Illustrators and the Place of Publication for their respective books
Nawal managed to answer my question... "What is the title of your book?"
Syiqah and Ziemah showed their title of the books
Recording the books they have read in their own Reading Journal Booklets
Trying his best to get the details correct on the Week 3 quiz form
Attentively answering the quiz
Some of the girls came to me to make sure they got the details correct
Jannah answered the title and author of the book
Referring for information from the poster on part of a book
Some of the pupils discussed about the parts of a book
Aqmal spotted the Place of publishing of the book
Khadijah was looking for the publisher's name
Writing down the details of the book for Week 4 Quiz; Publisher & the Call Number