Saturday, 2 April 2011

Book Review on Week 5

Another mini-project of mine for the Library Project was Book Review. The pupils did it for the whole week of Week 5 during their English and ICT lessons (5 one-hour lessons). They were given flexibility to choose any books that they like so much. Then they have to write about how they feel after reading the books and I guided them through out the way. They also talked about the summary of the story books and about the illustrations on their books. Many of them were not able to finish their reviews due to the netball practices and dance practices held in the school for the upcoming competitions. This activity is quite useful as it helps the children to express how they feel about the book and encourage them to write as well. It is a common problem for pupils in Brunei that they are not really motivated to write compositions. So I think, this is one of the best ways to attract pupils to write at least how they feel about what they have read. From all the 17 pupils, here are the four winners of the book reviews:

First Winner: Siti Khadijah with her book review on Puss in Boots

Aqmal managed to be the second winner!!Congrats Aqmal...

Keep it up Khairul...All your hard work paid off.

Keep Up the good work Nawal...Your father must be proud of you

At first, I displayed the draft version on the board. However, I managed to get all of them to type out their work during the ICT lesson and printed them on fancy papers as shown above. I have to pick only four best ones and encouraged the others to be more creative and expressive like the winners. It was a good experienced that they have gained and I will try to do activities as such when I'm back to the school. For the time being, two of the English teachers will take over the blog after this to update the activities to be done in the library.

More Library Activities

From Week 2 to Week 4, Year 5A has been doing the library skills activities in the library. The aim of these activities is to equip them with the ability of locating information on books in the library and at the same time, these activities motivate the pupils to read more books. Not only they read the books, they also discussed on the parts of a book that they have learned from me. They were quite excited when it was time for the library with me. They looked so cheerful and motivated to go to the library. Here are some picutres gathered from Week 2-Week 4. They were wearing their PE attires as they had PE lesson before going to the library every Thursday.

Poster of Part of a Book

Week 3 - Got their books...and now ready to do read and then look for the Illustrators and the Place of Publication for their respective books

Nawal managed to answer my question... "What is the title of your book?"

Syiqah and Ziemah showed their title of the books

Recording the books they have read in their own Reading Journal Booklets

Trying his best to get the details correct on the Week 3 quiz form

Attentively answering the quiz

Some of the girls came to me to make sure they got the details correct

Jannah answered the title and author of the book

Referring for information from the poster on part of a book

Some of the pupils discussed about the parts of a book

Aqmal spotted the Place of publishing of the book

Khadijah was looking for the publisher's name

Writing down the details of the book for Week 4 Quiz; Publisher & the Call Number

Activities During The Library Project

Hello Everyone...The Library Project was conducted for 5 weeks on developing Library Skills and Book-Reviewing. For the first week, the class was give introduction on the genres of books; Fiction and Non-Fictions. Then the pupils were assigned to look for one fiction and one non-fiction book individually. They have to read the books and record the title of the books in their Reading Journal Booklet. After that, they were given a quiz form for this week to write the fiction and non-fiction books correctly in the form.

Poster of Genres of Books in the Library (Fiction & Non-Fiction)

5A's pupils listened to the introduction of Fiction and Non-Fiction

The girls started their quest of looking for the English Non-fiction books

The boys were also busy looking for their English Fiction Books

Jannah got her books and started her reading straight away

Some of the girls were so excited to finish their reading before the "Quiz Time"

Non-Fiction Time for the Boys...Busy Busy Busy!!

Most of the girls were seated and carried on reading their books

Some of the pupils were still wandering around looking for their books

Happy FAce!!! Syeedah finally got hers.

Busy reading....

One of the boys recorded his book titles on a piece of paper before putting them in the Reading Journal

The girls recorded their book titles in their reading journals

Sample of a Reading Book Journal

Sunday, 27 March 2011

About the Library Project

This blogspot is set up for the school library project aimed to promote the school library. All the activities that are going to be displayed in this blog for teachers and parents to view. This will also update the activities done for the selected pupils of Year 5. The five weeks project can be viewed from this blog and both teachers and parents will be able to comment or give suggestions about the Blogspot or the activities that are done during the library project.

There are two mini-projects for this Library Project; Developing Basic Library Skills and Book Reviewing. The first four weeks, me myself will develop the basic library skills once each week.

During the first 4 weeks between 17th February - 10th March 2011, the Year 5A pupils will be;

1. identifying the fiction and non-fiction books.

2. identifying the parts of the book;

  • Title of the book

  • Author of the book

  • Illustrator of the book

  • Place of Publication

  • Call Number of the book

I hope that after these mini projects, the selected pupils will be more fond to go to the library and will make full use of how to get information from the library. I also hope that teachers and parents will give productive feedbacks as I go along with the mini-projects.

Rules & Regulation of the School Library

Here are some of the rules and regulations to be in this library:

1. Do not make too much noise during library period.

2. Take off you shoes before entering the library.

3. NO food or drinks are allowed inside the library.

4. Behave yourself while in the library.

5. Must Be a member in order to borrow books.

6. Return the books to their original place after reading.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Background of the School Library

The school library is located at the very end of the school building, in between the kitchen and the female teacher's restroom. It has the sice of one classroom and can cater children from pre-school to Year 6. Below is the layout of the library.

Here are some of the pictures of the library's layout:

The Reference Sections

The Timetable for using the school library

The English Fiction & Non-Fiction Sections

Malay Fiction and Non-Fiction Sections

More Malay Fiction Section

The Seating Arrangement for both Upper & Lower Primary

Whiteboard at the back of the front desk of the librarian

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

The Librarian

The librarian of this school, Norsimah Hj Apong, has been serving the school since 2001. Some of her duties are to
  1. a. assist the pupils in selecting books
  2. b. perform clerical duties
  3. c. shelves materials
  4. d. perform inventory

Saturday, 26 February 2011


Hello people,
Some of us might get confuse with what are fiction and non-fiction books. So here is a link that you could click to get a simpler explanation. The link is

Teaching Children About Non-Fiction Books: How to Teach a Child by Reading Aloud |

Teaching Children About Non-Fiction Books: How to Teach a Child by Reading Aloud

Hello, I would like to share this video clip about teaching children on non-fiction books. Hopefully this will help teachers and parents to teach their children to read.


Welcome to SR. PAP Besar Library

This blogspot is set up as part of the Library Project carried out by in-service teacher, Nur'Arifah Yasmoon Bte Yussof from B.Ed Primary in Education (TESL) who is currently doing her research and project in this school.

The aim of this blogspot is to promote the school library to the pupils, teachers as well as parents. It is hope that this blogspot can serve as sources of information on pupil's library activities as well as the school's activities which have been carried out such as the English month competition, the National Day competition and so on.

For library activities, weekly library project are currently taking place involving pupils from Year 5A. For this project, the pupils are taught on some basic library skills which are on parts of books. Weekly library skill quizzes are given to these pupils and one winner will be selected from library period whilst two winners will be seleced from those who are the library members of the school. The aim of this activity is to expose the pupils to some basic library skills as well as inculcating the love to read among pupils.