Saturday, 26 February 2011


Hello people,
Some of us might get confuse with what are fiction and non-fiction books. So here is a link that you could click to get a simpler explanation. The link is

Teaching Children About Non-Fiction Books: How to Teach a Child by Reading Aloud |

Teaching Children About Non-Fiction Books: How to Teach a Child by Reading Aloud

Hello, I would like to share this video clip about teaching children on non-fiction books. Hopefully this will help teachers and parents to teach their children to read.


Welcome to SR. PAP Besar Library

This blogspot is set up as part of the Library Project carried out by in-service teacher, Nur'Arifah Yasmoon Bte Yussof from B.Ed Primary in Education (TESL) who is currently doing her research and project in this school.

The aim of this blogspot is to promote the school library to the pupils, teachers as well as parents. It is hope that this blogspot can serve as sources of information on pupil's library activities as well as the school's activities which have been carried out such as the English month competition, the National Day competition and so on.

For library activities, weekly library project are currently taking place involving pupils from Year 5A. For this project, the pupils are taught on some basic library skills which are on parts of books. Weekly library skill quizzes are given to these pupils and one winner will be selected from library period whilst two winners will be seleced from those who are the library members of the school. The aim of this activity is to expose the pupils to some basic library skills as well as inculcating the love to read among pupils.